Felicia “Fifi” (Garcia) Vargas
Metropolitan State University - 2023
Free Access to Music Education
Major: Music Education
Project: Through the influence of music education, my project will bring a community of children together. My project will provide a program dedicated to bringing music to children where music may not be completely funded. While bringing music to underfunded communities, my project will also help to serve music communities that are lacking in the ability to provide extra personal development for the children who are learning their instruments.
Inspiration: Music Education has been a big impact on my life and I am looking to give back to the community that helped me be who I am today.
Future Plans: I am looking to develop and produce a project that is beneficial and helpful to the community that I can share as developmental research that will follow my degree. It is my hope that once finished with my research and established into my project I will be able to turn it all into words and into an undergraduate thesis that I will be able to share with people for a long time.