Rediet Ayanaw

University of Denver - 2025

Education and resources

Major: Computer Science

Project: My Puksta Project is about supporting those in lower-income areas who do not have the same access to resources and education as those in higher-income areas. Raising awareness of how little access these lower-income neighborhoods have is a great way to spread the knowledge to people who aren’t aware and want to help. What I imagine is either building websites that have collected data on many different types of resources or getting together with a team to build an after-school program for those in lower-income areas.

Inspiration: What inspired me was seeing how different someone else’s life is because of circumstances they cannot change. I would like to see everyone given the chance to succeed in a way where people aren’t already set up to fail.

Future Goals: With my community engagement work, I hope to see more students of color or students who want to be given a chance, in higher education. Also, I hope to see more students venturing out into career fields they never thought existed.