Puksta Self-Care: Unleash the Feast!

Image result for image three stooges thanksgiving

That special time is finally here! Classes are on pause, the travel has been undertaken (or not), your mind is resting, and the family is gathered. Time to throw that diet out the window for a day and dig in. For just a few precious days, Pukstas can rest, relax, and revel amongst those who’ve truly made their academic journeys worthwhile. Not only is the Thanksgiving holiday a time for bringing out the good dishes and waiting impatiently for the big meal to start, but it’s also a time for bonding with family and friends and soaking up those moments that will become rare and infrequent in the years to come. Put your judgments and assumptions on hold for a day, hug someone and celebrate!

Tips for the Feast:

-Meat(less) isn’t a crime: If you prefer to eat meat(less) this holiday, then do so, but it’s good practice to respect the choices of others (especially if they respect yours) and make sure not to lay on a slice of guilt with each slice of tofu/turkey others eat. Maybe they’ll be encouraged to try it out themselves if you lead by example?

-Help with the dishes and/or trash: Sure college is tough, but not so much that everyone else has to do the cleaning after. Especially if you want to be seen as the adult you now are, spend a few minutes helping out before you let the food coma consume you. Maybe you can enlist siblings or other family members to also lend a hand and lessen the load. It’s a great way to show appreciation for the effort put towards your benefit and a means of returning a little goodwill. If you’re told that it isn’t necessary, maybe challenge it by saying it’s your personal way of giving thanks this holiday. Either way, don’t just be a slouch on the couch and help out a little.

-Don’t make the meal the only enjoyment: Sports and other games are great ways of making even more family memories during the holidays. A game on the TV is great, but maybe a board or card game later? Making the most of the holiday, in particular, is usually something nobody ever regrets. Put the friends on hold this day and spend it with the best ones you’ll ever have.

-Spend some special time with those you love: Maybe it’s morning coffee with dad or afternoon tea with mom, but set aside a little time to specifically connect with those you love. This can be particularly special with the elder members of your family because it’s easy to just live in the moment and forget that time and lives are limited and you never know how many holidays you’ll have with those who are special and cherished.

For more tips on enjoying your Thanksgiving with the family check out: