Sabrina says Yes on 300

Sabrina says Yes on 300

YES on 300 will give thousands of other students like our Puksta Scholar, Sabrina, the opportunity to achieve higher education! Scholarships have transformed Sabrina’s life. That’s why she supports #YESon300.

“A college education can give you that competitive edge, and sometimes a high school education isn’t enough to prosper anymore.”

Sabrina’s Puksta Scholarship has empowered her to help children with disabilities. Her Puksta Project takes grade school students out of their traditional classroom and into the CSU environment and incorporates service animals to practice reading, writing, and speaking skills.


~”The Puksta Foundation has not only enriched me as a student, but they have given me so many opportunities that have mase me a leader and given me those life lessons and experiences that I want to leave my campus with.”