Archives: Scholars

Scholar / Project

Oscar Saenz

Project: Provide programming to community members at Munroe Elementary to raise higher education access awareness.

Inspiration: Munroe is my former elementary school and it is also located in the community where I grew up.

Future Plans for Project: Change the community, change the perception of college!

Ciera Blehm

Project: Into the Light, an event to raise awareness on sexual assault and to help educate.

Inspiration: Seeing how people were affected by sexual assault and the fact that education was not nearly where it should be.

Future Plans for Project: To prevent one assault from happening

Chhorda Vuth

Project:I served a mentor/ coordinator for high school seniors. I worked with the mentors, students, and the school counselors. My responsibilities included advising students on their college essays, applying for financial aid, choosing the right university etc. I also worked with the mentors and the school counselors by sending weekly emails to remind them about our weekly focus and tasks for the students.


Future Plans for Project: I am hoping to gain more leadership skill and community organizing skill.

Brendan Teck

Project: This year I just plan on focusing on the research for my project. My hopes are to not only become an expert on my topic, but also discover what it is exactly I want to do for my project.

Inspiration: Having done some research in the past about my topic, I wanted to continue my research. Coming from a family of refugees, access to education was definitely not the easiest journey. This is a universal issue that affects immigrant families. When going through the college application process myself, it was super hard to navigate. Whether it was finding a college campus with an Asian American community, finding a college campus that provided resources and support to Asian American students or even finding scholarships specifically for Asian Americans, it was something I was required to research on my own. I want to be able to do my family’s story justice and provide other Asian American students with resources so that they don’t have to go through the same experience I did.

Future Plans for Project: I hope that I will be able to provide some sort of representation for Asian American students within higher education. I want to be able to provide students with some access to resources about how to navigate the college experience from an Asian American perspective, scholarships and more.

Blanche Marie Ndoutou

Project: I hosted events in which about 10-15 youth in my neighborhood of Sun Valley attended. The goal of the event was to teach them about the realities of the justice system and how they could protect themselves. The youth gave me feedback that they want me to continue hosting the events each year.

Future Plans for Project: I hope to make a difference to the people around me. I hope to make people around me happy and I hope to be satisfied with the work I’ve done.

Andrea Bonilla

Project: Analyzing surveys provided from high school students and their knowledge on SA and DV within low income schools and those in upper class school districts. Also working on presentations and discussing these topics within the classrooms.

Inspirations: I worked at a police department for 2 years and with my time there I was able to see first hand how many individuals were being impacted as primary or secondary survivors of these issues. I wanted to do something about this and educate others in learning about the resources and signs of how this may look before or after the abuse.

Future Plans for Project: To really encourage high school students to be confident in being able to become bystanders and have the knwoledge and ability to help their peers if anything ever comes their way.

Allison Grossberg

Project: My Puksta Project for the upcoming academic year is a research study that deals with the biological, cognitive and social mechanisms of curiosity. Specifically, the project investigates the potential effect of curiosity on aging populations and on their risk of developing Alzheimers disease.

Inspiration: I was inspired to choose this topic as my Puksta Project because curiosity is a vital component of many human interactions, as well as, the healthy aging process. I see this project as an important glimpse into the human body that may provide insights into how and why patterns of thought and behavior impact our ability to remain healthy, connected and vibrant throughout our lives.

Future Plans for Project: I hope this project will be a stepping stone to improving the educational possibilities for students of all ages. In turn, this will allow people to achieve more fulfilling levels of engagement, and long-term health.

Aaqil Anwar

Project: I want to make sure that every kid that wants to pursue a degree in higher education has the ability to do so. Many people take college for granted when it is an immense privilege that not everyone has. I want to make sure that everyone is able to realize the same benefits of getting a college degree because there is no price you can put on an education.

Inspiration: Looking back at it I realized how blessed I am to be attending college while other kids who wanted to go to college weren’t able to because of something as ridiculous as a price tag. College should be accessible to all segments of the population if they want to use it and not just given to a select few social classes. Education sees no color, race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion. Education is for everyone.

Future Plans for Projects: I hope to make a real impact in allowing kids to go to college who would’ve never previously thought that college was an option for them. People that want to go to college and make use of their education should have the opportunity to do so.