Archives: Scholars

Scholar / Project

Autumn Wilson

Major: Zoology

Project: The project I am pursuing is Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, specifically focusing on the Indigenous community that lives in northern Colorado. I will be a mentor and lead community events, and provide a space for Indigenous peoples to come together and heal, give preventative courses and resources, and provide overall support for the Indigenous community.

Inspiration: I am an Indigenous woman who has seen my community members be hurt mentally and physically by others, I have seen little to no coverage of Missing and Murdered Indigenous peoples in the media and news. I think that education is very important, if I can educate the community Indigenous and non-Indigenous about these issues there can be a change.

Future Plans: I hope that I can accomplish educating the community, and provide a safe place where triggering conversations can be held. I hope to teach those around us what actions to take when placed in a harmful situation, to decrease the number of community members that have faced violence.

Paige Perricone

Major: Clinical Psychology, Spanish Language Minor

Project: The goal of my project is to educate others on ways to promote resilience and protective factors for LGBTQ+ and Foster Youth. By fostering the development of protective factors, and teaching adolescents how to effectively manage, adapt to, and bounce back from hardship, we can create opportunities that will allow these young leaders to prosper. Ultimately, the intended outcomes of the project will look to spread awareness of adversity in these communities and educate people on ways to incorporate a more supportive ideology into their own socio-political interventions.

Inspiration: My project is an extension of my personal experiences that looks to create positive change in these communities. My family runs a trauma-informed home designed to help facilitate the social rehabilitation of LGBTQ+ teens, pregnant teens, and teen moms. I grew up in a welcoming household, with a revolving front door, hence I want to carry on the legacy of generosity of my parents. I have experienced firsthand what it means to overcome adversity, and I am passionate about helping others do the same.

Future Plans: I am a compassionate individual, oriented towards building mutual aid through education and empathy. By exploring factors that affect the way different people cope with stress, hardship, and trauma, I intend to create a support network catered to adolescents facing these types of adversity. Ultimately, I hope to advocate in support of those silenced by harmful stigmas.

Mursal Zeerak

Major: Biomedical Science

Project: I want to continue research to see what best ways POC can access employment in the medical field. I also want to help increase diversity in the medical field.

Inspiration: I chose this because as someone interested in being an OBGYN, I’ve come to realize that many people do not feel represented by their doctors. There is a large racial disparity in the medical field and I want to help make it smaller.

Future Plans: I want to show other POC that there are jobs available to them that don’t require a doctor’s degree. Everyone has been raised that being a doctor is the way into the medical field when there are various opportunities available.

Miguel Eduardo Lopez

Major: Construction Management

Project: Working with an organization that has mental health as a main focus

Inspiration: A personal struggle I dealt with and would like to help others with

Future Plans: Help people with mental health issues overcome their obstacles in a safe and healthy way.

Guinevere Vigil-Goltermann

Major: Geography- Urban Planning

Project: I will continue working on my free and open-source database in which people can access information about underrepresented topics in mainstream education. These include social and environmental justice topics.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the information I was able to find in my search for “social justice”. I wanted to share this information with others in a free and accessible way.

Future Plans: I hope to make it so people are not as intimidated by the idea of social justice in Denver and beyond. I wanted to make resources easier to find.

Aaron Staten

Major: Entrepreneurship (Business School)

Project: Free (wireless) internet for impoverished students and those on EBT/Medicaid.

Inspiration: I hacked video games at the age of 8 (1997) and am very knowledgeable about anything dealing with computers and networking. I founded my own computer repair business around the age of 15 that is still in operation, going on for 2 decades. This project won’t take much funding other than equipment costs. I have friends in the South who can professionally climb towers and set everything up.

Future Goals: Providing resources for those who can’t afford internet, even with the ACP program which takes $30 off any eligible internet service provider. I’ve run out of internet on my phone and had to pay more, so I can imagine how much more it impacts those even less unfortunate than I am. This will include home and mobile internet, so one can stream videos on khan, YouTube, or any medium and never worry about at least one resource needed for a proper education.


Mayra Luna

Major: Psychology with a Minor in Human Development and Family Relations

Project: This year I helped a counselor who works in the future center at the high school I graduated from and help seniors apply to colleges and promote the future center on campus. I facilitated a workshop and promoted MSU for any senior interested in applying and knowing more about the school at North High School during school hours.

Inspiration: I decided to do this project because as a first generation student, I know how hard it is to navigate the transition to college and that with the help of a mentor it is easier. I want to provide that to other students.

Future Plans: I hope to accomplish more awareness and people to learn how long and difficult the process of becoming a resident/citizen is. Many people don’t know the laws like I didn’t know and know the conditions of people who barely cross the border to the US.

Maddy Kessler

Major: Architecture and Planning

Project: I am hoping to learn how to best give these resources out to local towns and maybe even get a stronger engagement with the people in each neighborhood! I am currently researching how best to engage people to come together, as well as talk with government agencies with a powerful voice.

Inspiration: I was shocked to learn how many people did not know about redlining and the systemic issues that shaped where people live in this state. Many don’t know about the resources they have so they aren’t forced to move, and I want more regulation on the amount of gentrification that has been happening to Coloradans.

Future Plans: I hope to slow the ongoing displacement happening and raise awareness of the devastating impacts it has on the economy and local people.

Jonathan Hardwick

Major: Music – Recording Arts Emphasis

Minor: Music Industry Studies

Project: My project is centered around psychology and helping incarcerated individuals with self-care and mental health. I plan to introduce Mutual Aid Self/Social Therapy, or MAST, to prison populations. MAST is essentially group therapy without having to pay for a therapist, rather you utilize friends and colleagues. It utilizes methods from psychology such as cognitive behavioral therapy, which explores the intricate relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. MAST was originally developed by social activists as a way for oppressed people to practice self-care and improve mental health. I am developing a training to show to willing participants, and I plan to be the proctor for these MAST sessions for incarcerated individuals.

Inspiration: There are numerous racial disparities in the criminal justice and mental health systems. I hope that MAST will provide a way around these systems and improve incarcerated individuals’ mental health. As a former psychology major and as someone with multiple mental health diagnoses, I know just how helpful learning more about one’s mind can be. I believe that MAST will provide incarcerated people with helpful tools to use during incarceration and reentry alike.

Future Goals: I plan to be a mental health advocate and help break the stigma around mental health in all that I do. Even with my music major, I plan to be a producer and provide artists with a platform to share their stories while promoting their well-being. As for my project, I plan to continue working until MAST is implemented as an integral part of rehabilitation and incarceration.