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Cicilia Saenz’s Puksta Experience

Hello! I am Cicilia Saenz or Cici which ever you prefer, this is currently my third year at MSU, hoping to get my degree in Special education with a concentration in CLD. As a Puksta scholar I have been able to make many wonderful connections, and for that reason it is something I have come to love. Within Puksta I have been able to learn my capabilities and what I can do with them, such as informing people of something I am very passionate about. I have also met some wonderful people that have many amazing qualities that I have been able to learn from and will hold in my heart. As a Puksta scholar my goal is to reach out to low-income communities and inform them of special education resources, so that parents and students are able to advocate for themselves if they feel that something in their education is missing. Within this project I also hope that students are able to learn that it is okay to need a little extra support. I hope to accomplish this by using all the resources that have been provided to me by Puksta.

Winter Retreat Gallery

Watch the inspiring speech given at MSU’s Fall Commencement by Puksta Scholar, Luis Paredes

Puksta Scholar and Presidents Award Recipient, Luis Paredes, gave the commencement speech for Metropolitan State University. Luis graduated with a Bachelor’s of Accounting and a Master’s of Professional Accountancy in 5 years. All while working 45 hours a week, buying a home for his mother and father and raising $8,000 in scholarship funds for his Dreamer brothers and sisters. Way to go Luis!!

Click on the video below to hear his story, the power of positive impact, finding your motivation and making the right choices for our communities.

Are You Curious Enough?

Are you curious enough? This is what one of our Puksta Scholars, Allie Grossberg, asked in relation to the health of your mind and how it relates to your susceptibility to certain degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Click on the video above to learn more about Allie and her Puksta Project.

Sabrina says Yes on 300

Sabrina says Yes on 300

YES on 300 will give thousands of other students like our Puksta Scholar, Sabrina, the opportunity to achieve higher education! Scholarships have transformed Sabrina’s life. That’s why she supports #YESon300.

“A college education can give you that competitive edge, and sometimes a high school education isn’t enough to prosper anymore.”

Sabrina’s Puksta Scholarship has empowered her to help children with disabilities. Her Puksta Project takes grade school students out of their traditional classroom and into the CSU environment and incorporates service animals to practice reading, writing, and speaking skills.


~”The Puksta Foundation has not only enriched me as a student, but they have given me so many opportunities that have mase me a leader and given me those life lessons and experiences that I want to leave my campus with.”

Ethnic Studies Puksta Fellows presented during this CU Denver’s RaCAS on Equality, Justice, and Dignity for all!

5 of our amazing Ethnic Studies Puksta Fellows presented during this CU Denver’s Annual Research and Creative Activities Symposium: True Apodaca, Binh Phan, Alisya Rodriguez, Tiffany Tasker, and Ji Yoon. They are presented on behalf of Equality, Justice, and Dignity for all. They all did an absolutely outstanding job!

A special congratulations to Ji Yoon, who  won 1st place in the Arts and Humanities Oral Presentation division competition at RaCAS. Her excellent presentation, “Social Consciousness in Youth: Civic Engagement in Community and Career,” was ranked unanimously as the top oral presentation by all the judges.

So proud of this program! What a way to shine!

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CSU Puksta Passage

The night was full of love and laughter as we welcomed in our new Puksta Scholars Jada Johnson, Dominic Baca and Leonardo Andrade and celebrated our Puksta graduates. Dear Puksta Alumni Network, please help us welcome in Bailey Cross, David Purcella and Eduardo Hernandez! Soon to be joining them in December are Kiri Michell and Stephanie Herrera. Congratulations to all, we are so proud of  our CSU Puksta Family!!




Reydesel Salvidrez Rodriguez honored with the Rosa Parks Diversity Award!

Rosa Parks Diversity Awards

This annual award honors faculty, staff, students, and community organizations whose contributions to diversity at CU Denver embody the spirit of Civil Rights pioneer, Rosa Parks.

With the work that Reydesel Salvidrez Rodriguez is doing with his Puksta Project in his community and on campus, Rey was the only student this year to be awarded this honor! Way to go Rey, we are so proud of you!

Reydesel Salvidrez Rodriguez
Puksta Fellow
Student Director| Undocumented Student Services at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Co-Founder and Historian | CU DREAMers 

Historian | Latinx Student Alliance 

Puksta Alum, Marco Dorado, is proof that sharing your story can have a great impact and reach ears on a national level!

 Nancy Pelosi shared Marco’s story during her eight consecutive hours on the chamber floor, fighting for immigration reform, with a in particular focus on those with DACA.



Pelosi says, “Marco Dorado was born in Mexico and moved to Denver’s Globeville neighborhood at the age of three. After attending Thornton High School as a student in the International Baccalaureate program, Marco attended the University of Colorado Boulder and graduated as student body president with a degree in finance. During his time at Colorado University, Marco received DACA, which has allowed him to begin his professional career while contributing back to his community. Currently, Marco is the program coordinator for the Latino Leadership Institute at the University of Denver.”

After a pause, Pelosi adds: “Beautiful story — once again demonstrating not only a commitment to education, a commitment to become doctors, whatever, but leadership. Every one of these has leadership, whether it’s leadership in the student government, leadership in community activities, leadership on the sports field. Leadership in every possible way. Extracurricular activities and the rest. And certainly Marco has demonstrated that trait typical of DREAMers.” ~ Michael Roberts, Westword

Check out the whole story in this article in Westword.