Class of 2019 Puksta Alumni Spotlight: Kevin McQuirk

Mentorship is no light task and Kevin proved more than up to the challenge. Creating the Impact the Youth mentorship program, he was able to work with numerous high school student who came from socio-economically disadvantaged origins, Kevin was able to reveal the path to prosperity through higher education in university and community college. Having benefitted from a similar mentorship program from CU Boulder, this CU Denver grad endeavored to make scientific methods and an academic future more accessible for students who wouldn’t have otherwise had such aspirations. Your hard work and great achievements are why we are proud to celebrate you and your status as a Puksta Alumni. Well done Kevin!

Class of 2019 Alumni Spotlight: Emma Piller

Emma brought the power of her education to work for the labor sector. Inspired by the INVST!!! program, this CU Boulder grad spent her undergraduate years championing the rights of the service industry, especially those who faced language and cultural barriers. Through political activism and working with the legal community, Emma worked in both the political and community outreach spheres where she advocated for the undocumented. Wishing to even the scales of injustice for working men and women, she now intends to go into education and later pursue a path in becoming an attorney. Well done Emma. Your hard work and determination are surely hallmarks of the amazing things you’ll do in your future. Simply fantastic!

Class of 2019 Puksta Alumni Spotlight: Brendan Teck

Discovering community has been a quest of Brendan’s. Through research and project development, he aspired to create a community for fellow Asian American refugees that provided resources and support for those seeking to achieve a college education. Working both independently and collaborating with a diverse group of uniquely skilled colleagues, Brendan’s undergrad project-based strategy promised to clear the often cluttered road to higher education that has often proved impossible for so many to overcome. Through these efforts, Brendan wrote a new and more optimistic page in his family’s history. As he moves beyond graduation his project will shift from research to reality as he plans to extend this community and increase scholarship access and college admission support. As he realizes the community he has striven for, his work will create a clearer path towards academic excellence and future prosperity for many. You are truly a jewel in the Puksta crown Brendan and we celebrate you and your work! Congratulations!

Class of 2019 Puksta Alumni Spotlight: Helina Zemede

The future is online and those who either lack access to it, or who don’t have access to the necessary tools within it, will struggle to raise themselves up and find fulfillment. Helina combated homelessness with technology by constructing a resource database that assisted the impoverished and helped to provide structure and stability for many. Having graduated, she plans to continue expanding this work and bringing her energy back to the Puksta Boulder family in a variety of ways. Helina, the light you bring to those who are constantly confounded by darkness makes us proud that you are a star within our Puksta family. We raise our glasses to your achievements!

Class of 2019 Puksta Alumni Spotlight: Jhovani Becerra

Barriers have always been a problem for Jhovani. Barriers that stood in his way during his journey to this country and those that threatened to prevent him in his quest for an education. Having been an undocumented immigrant, he was exposed to the obstacles and challenges that many are unaware of and vowed to make things better for this silent population. During his time in university, Jhovani worked to tear these barriers down for not only for himself but for those who have also shared his experiences. Working in high schools to advocate for and guide younger students, Jhovani encouraged a path towards higher education and endeavored to assist and empower those who joined him on campus as fellow college students. Having graduated, he intends to continue his journey within institutions where skewed cultural traditions have created a disciplinary disparity for many who are simply seeking a better life. You have and continue to make us proud of your work and achievements. Congratulations and best wishes to you Jhovani!

Class of 2019 Puksta Alumni Spotlight: Rob Hatcher

Very little could be considered traditional about this non-traditional future graduate of CU Denver. Having a background in media and nonprofit work, Rob spent his undergraduate years working on achieving a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Event Management. His second love, however, became his driving passion as he realized that he could bring his non-traditional perspectives to the people through performance poetry. Working towards engaging bias and enlightening minds on a more personal level, Rob endeavored to connect with his fellow students and the Denver public through expressive art. After graduating with a Masters in Communication, he intends to either work in the nonprofit sector or pursue his newly discovered passion for teaching. Congratulations Rob!

Class of 2019 Puksta Alumni Spotlight: Senika O’Connor

Inclusivity has been a major area of concentration for Senika. During her time as an undergraduate, she worked towards creating an intersection of race and culture while endeavoring to expose and address microaggressions in the K-12 educational system. On a lifetime journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, Senika always stood out and experienced obstacles that she hoped to dissolve for those who followed after her. She intends to continue working within the educational arena, post-graduation and plans to keep seeking meaningful ways of breaking down barriers and dispelling injustice for those aspiring towards similar goals. Your achievements make us proud that you are a part of our family Senika. Cheers to you!

Class of 2019 Puksta Alumni Spotlight: Daniela Caro

Daniela is a student who is no stranger to hard work. Having achieved residency, this new CU Denver grad was heavily active in encouraging others to be politically active in this country. Daniela spent considerable time educating those in both her community and within her college about how valuable being able to vote actually is. In addition to attending rallies and becoming politically literate herself, she collaborated with numerous individuals and groups within the campus, which greatly enhanced her interpersonal skills. Now that she’s graduated, Daniela intends to continue working with a university group with whom she’d been previously associated: Road to Distinction. She also intends to continue her activity with a variety of non-profits like DSF and Volunteers in Partnership. A true champion of civic discourse, Daniela is a voice of empowerment and an advocate of agency that makes her star shine brighter than most. Puksta is proud to have both your energy and voice in the world and you within their ranks. Cheers to you!

Class of 2019 Puksta Alumni Spotlight: Erin Rooney

Like a piece looking for the right puzzle, Erin found the Puksta Foundation and joined because she believed it would be a good fit. Similarly, she worked to help the incarcerated find their “fit” within society by assisting them with obtaining the skills and tools necessary for a life they might be either unaccustomed too or unprepared for. Not only did she help inmates hone their interview skills, but she also solicited donations of professional clothing that is so badly needed for the interview process. Now that she has graduated, Erin will look into creating her own non-profit that will expand on this concept, helping many to obtain that second chance they might not have otherwise. Not only did she become a valuable piece within the Puksta picture, but she also helped to make the lives of many much more hopeful and prosperous. Hooray to you Erin!

Class of 2019 Puksta Alumni Spotlight: David Campos-Cardenas

DACA was a passion of David’s in his time in college. Working to embolden and educate the undocumented students of his university, he participated with both DSF and the MSU Dreamers Network while also educating the MSU faculty to the struggles and challenges that they often face. Inspired by having walked in the shoes of these students, David leaves big ones to fill as he continues his work post-graduation and seeks to continue imparting education and empowerment in equal measures. Looking towards a professional future in the financial sector, he is sure to make a significant impact in the world, he certainly has at MSU. Congratulations David!